Slim Club
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Slim Club 介绍
Slim Club
About: SlimClub fat loss is a professional scientific fat loss management service platform. The new generation of scientific fat loss solutions proposed by Slimbar are jointly recommended by many world-renowned scientists, including Nobel laureate Michael Levitt, including the three major systems of 1-to-1 fat loss counseling, low-fat diet and body fat monitoring. Registered users in 96 countries and regions, has helped more than millions of obese people around the world, accumulated weight loss of more than 4.8 million kilograms, with a large number of successful cases of fat reduction, fat reduction practice results are excellent.
来自应用汇: Slim Club http://www.appchina.com/app/uni.UNIDB8B942?from=spi-desc
Slim Club 版本更新
1. Addition of Slim Club group.
2. Scientific preliminary assessment help you lose fat.
3. Optimization of other functions to improve the user experience.
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