WearFit2.0 介绍


Mental health, heart rate, blood pressure measurement, blood tests, statistical exercise step, sleep time, physical situation palm in hand, at any time to monitor your health.Intelligent alarm clockSet the alarm clock for the WearFit2.0 bracelet, remind you to get up through the brakes and no longer disturb the people around you.incoming callSet the call reminder for the WearFit2.0 bracelet, the phone rings automatically when the phone calls, the phone will not miss the call in the bag.Support for "Health" applicationsCan be heart rate, blood pressure, synchronized to the "Health" applications, so that you more comprehensive understanding of health.** This version supports Apple Gear Fit healthy application **** WEARFIT2.0 only support a higher level of equipment, if remind the device can't connect, you can go to the app store download and use WEARFIT **

来自应用汇: WearFit2.0 http://www.appchina.com/app/com.wakeup.wearfit2?from=spi-desc

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