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Go-Yunnan 介绍
Go-Yunnan是专门为入境游客打造的全英文平台,采用网站和App相结合的产品形态,向外国游客提供覆盖游前、游中和游后的旅游资讯和服务。也是向全世界友人展示云南绚丽多彩的自然风光和历史文化内蕴的窗口。 Go-Yunnan is an English platform specially developed for inbound tourists. Combined by website and mobile application, Go-Yunnan provides foreign tourists with tourism information as well as services before, during and after the travel. It is also a window for worldwide friends to learn about the colorful nature landscape and the charming history and culture of Yunnan
来自应用汇: Go-Yunnan http://www.appchina.com/app/com.tengyun.intl.yyn?from=spi-desc
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