Polaroid Print App 介绍

Polaroid Print App

When you think instant, you think Polaroid.Now when you think mobile wireless printing, you think Polaroid ZIP (Zink Instant Mobile Printer). Take your pictures from any mobile device and print them anytime, anywhere. Download the Polaroid ZIP app now and see all the amazing features this app has to offer.Print pictures instantly from your smartphone or mobile device. Edit photos, add text, emojis, animations and send private messages all from your Polaroid ZIP.Features:Quick Print:Print photos off your mobile device and place them in the palm of your hand instantly without making any edits or changes.Edit Print:Edit your photos with this amazing feature. Zoom, crop, tint and color your images for printing the perfect picture. Personalize your photos by adding messages, emojis, drawing, borders, animations and much more.Secret View: The Polaroid ZIP app can even keep a secret. Create customized photos with hidden messages embedded in a personalized QR code. Share your secret messages only with the people you want.Collage: Split your photos into two, three, four or nine tiles and print to create fun collages.Name Card: Use one of the many Polaroid ZIP card templates to create a professional name card. Print your calling card instantly and always be recognized.

来自应用汇: Polaroid Print App http://www.appchina.com/app/com.polaroid.universalapp?from=spi-desc

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